The agenda of today's session of the Duma, Vladivostok
The agenda of today's session of the Duma, Vladivostok was 23 issues, among which the election date the head of Vladivostok, changes in the Charter of Vladivostok, the fourth adjustment of the budget of the city adopted by the deputies unanimously. One of the most important was the question of exemption from payment of land tax for entrepreneurs, implementing new production on the territory of Vladivostok. The proposed Deputy head of Vladivostok city administration Natalya Zubova project aims at improving the investment climate in the city. In case of approving the project, the enterprise launching a new line for 10 years, will not pay land tax. The fears of the opposition on the «losses» of the budget of the city in connection with the adoption of the draft said Mikhail Veselov: «The fact that deputies from the party of the CPRF doubt the necessity of the adoption of this project, says only a weak economic preparation. What they call a «lossy» actually decrease in revenues in the city budget. The increase in the budget at the expense of the pit then still be more than the decrease in now! The adoption of this project will give opportunities for the development of small and medium business in the city of Vladivostok» At the time of application for participation in this project signed a major plants: «Dalpribor», «Aurora», «Varyag» and «Emerald». According to preliminary estimations of the specialists of the city administration, the decrease of the city budget revenues in the first year, it may 19 million roubles. However, opening new lines of production, these same plants will bring the city hundreds of new jobs, and hence the budget receipts from the tax to incomes of physical persons In the establishment of such conditions listed above plants will invest in its economy. Deputy Alexander Yurtaev reminded the representatives of the protesting opposition of article 131 FZ «On local self-government, which said that the administration should create conditions, in which the tax structure will be adding to the budget, and not add to it yourself. Majority of votes of the project for the land tax was adopted at a meeting of the Duma. The following questions touched upon the addition of the list of citizens entitled to housing health professionals. In addition, it was decided to increase the number of assistants to deputies working on a voluntary basis. Unanimously adopted the regulation on the procedure of the housing controls and approved the work plan for the 3rd quarter of the current year.
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