To perform artillery and missile firings in areas of combat training in the sea of Japan came guards missile cruiser «Varyag». During several days the crew of missile cruiser will perform some types of artillery exercises for Maritime, aeronautical and coastal targets. In the special area designed for rocket firing варяжцы anti-aircraft short-range missile complex «OSA» destroy the simulated aerial target, and then to shoot a missile at a target on the surface of the sea. When at sea, the crew of the flagship of the Pacific fleet, will also mine productions, a number of противодиверсионных activities and naval exercises in the struggle for the survival of the ship.
Today, September 6 at the first Congress of the Far Eastern Investment, signed an agreement on cooperation in the construction project "dry port". The document is signed by the Governor of Primorsky...
Police in the Primorsky Krai launched an investigation into the death of the convicted person in the detention center in Kavalerovo - reported the press service of the regional...
Economic Policy Committee and municipal property consider and recommend to the State Duma of Vladivostok City Administration to approve the report on implementation of the program of privatization of...
Car thefts on our region is second only to Russia - the data the press service of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Primorsky Krai. By the number of hijackings Primorye in second...
Prosecutors Primorye quickly reacted to the media reports that the low water bridge near De Vries - Sedanka found a large number of dead fish. Attracted some "experts" are quick to say that the mass...
This year's competition are confined to the 75 anniversary of the Primorsky Territory, so the tournament went beyond a single discipline - he was a real sports event. It took part in the Navy Russia...
Bailiffs in Primorye unwittingly made conciliators between spouses. The child's father, a long time did not pay child support, citing the fact that he had no steady income. Debt increased to 700...
May 23 in the Kirov district police received a report that one of the villages 19-year-old man tried to rape his 10-year-old cousin. 19-year-old rapist arrested in Maritime Police officers arrived at...
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