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The partisan district court convicted

The partisan district court convicted The partisan district court convicted under Art. 109 H. 2 of the criminal code (causing death by negligence as a result of improper fulfillment of their professional duties), the chief local energy production cooperative «Concreter». As has told to the correspondent of RIA «VladNews» senior assistant SU TFR for the Primorsky Krai Aurora Roman, the investigation and the court found that in the village of Golubovka chief power engineer neglect the rules of safety and prudence and not stopped the operation of the power plant (substation) «Brother» 35-6 kV, located near the mountain «Brother», on the territory of the Partisan municipal district, which in 2005 has not been accepted in operation by state bodies and had to be covered. The court recognized: with all this, the defendant has not provided around the substation necessary fence, which would allow to protect the tolerance of other people on this object, providing the raised danger. As a result of thoughtlessness defendant February 152013 through the opening in the fence to an electrical installation «Brother» penetrated 15-year old teenager and hand touched substation equipment and cables were under the electrical voltage. The child's death was the result of the defeat of the technical shock. Court ordered the defendant to the penalty of restriction of liberty for a period of 1 year. As explained to the correspondent of RIA «VladNews» senior assistant Prosecutor of Primorsky Krai Elena Telegina, restriction of freedom consists in the establishment of the court convicted the following restrictions: not to leave the house (flat, other dwellings) at a certain time, not to visit certain places, located within the territory of a respective municipality, not to leave the territory of the respective municipality, did not attend the venue of the mass and other events, and do not participate in the aforementioned events, not to change the place of residence or stay, place of work or study without the consent of the criminal Executive inspection carrying out supervision for a maximum security prisoners a restricted freedom sentence. The court shall impose upon the convict be the duty of the penal inspection carries out the supervision of convicts serving the sentence in the form of restriction of freedom from one to four times a month for registration. restrictions on changing the place of residence or stay without the consent of the criminal-Executive inspection, and also to travel outside the territory of the respective municipality is required.

Опубликовано:   19-06-2013, 13:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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