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The victory of the Bashkir team has finished in Moscow friendly

The victory of the Bashkir team has finished in Moscow friendly The victory of the Bashkir team has finished in Moscow friendly match between «Beam-Energy» and «Ufa». The first half hour of the game passed under dictation of yellow and blue, which are actively put pressure on the opponent and practically would not let him into their own half. However, to reap the benefits of their playing and territorial advantage of «Luch-Energia» has not managed and paid: at the 31st minute of the Ufa residents had their first real attack, and Anton Kilin accurate shot from the penalty area opened the score - 1:0. And another 3 minutes Anton Zabolotny took advantage of the inconsistency of the defenders and the goalkeeper of our team and doubled the advantage of «Ufa» - 2:0. In the second half from the advantages of the «Beam-Energy» is gone, but the goal of prestige wards of Alexander Grigorian still scored: in the 85th minute Denis Дорожкину success luxurious kick into the top corner from 20 meters. Ufa (Ufa) - «Luch-Energia (Vladivostok) - 2:1 (2:0) Goals: Anton Kilin, (1:0), Anton Zabolotny- (2:0), Denis Dorozhkin - (2:1). Lineups: «Ufa» (first half): Izotov, Erokhin, Zotov, Kireev, N.vasilev, Podkorytov, A. Vasilyev, Zhilyaev, Killeen, Pugachev, Zabolotny. «Ufa» (second half): Baranovsky, William, Grachev, Alikin, Tishkin, Zaseev, Danilov, Валикаев, Saito, Diego, Golubov. «Luch-Energia»: unknown.

Опубликовано:   19-06-2013, 13:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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