Due to the gap in the legislation currently nobody coordinates and monitors the activity in the seaside capital. "The first and basement floors in residential houses very often transferred into non-residential premises for offices, shops, and in such cases they are generally at a serious restructuring. The procedure for approval of such works and the control over observance of technical regulations and safety requirements either at the Federal or at the regional level are not installed. The competence of local self-government the given legal regulation also not included. It is clear that the uncontrolled redevelopment can lead to violations of bearing constructions, engineering equipment, and ultimately reliability of dwelling houses", - commented Chairman of the Duma of Vladivostok Elena Novitskaya. The Committee on economic policy and property supported the initiative of the deputies to adopt a regional law which will regulate the procedure for approval of reconstruction and rearrangement of non-residential premises located in the housing stock. "I want to say words of gratitude to our colleagues from the Duma of Vladivostok, which showed the problem that exists in all municipal formations of Primorsky Krai, the MP said Sergei Ishchenko. Currently in Russia there is the example of Krasnodar region, which adopted such a law, and there is a draft law in the Samara region, we will be a third entity that tries to this question should be regulated by law. I think that many residents of Primorye with the problem of premises in apartment houses have typically have many objections and concerns from residents for their safety. Therefore, such a law is necessary, he will bring order in this very important social question".
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The investigating authorities in Primorye have completed work on the criminal case against 49-year-old man. He is charged with unlawful entry into a dwelling and attempted murder. Alcoholic wanted to...
Currently Wash personnel at the call is carried out once a week in the baths units. Installing showers will allow the military daily personal time to take a shower......
At a meeting with the heads of agencies souialnogo service, held on 25 April, Mr Miklushevsky discussed how to execute the decrees of the President of Primorye for a pay rise. The governor controls...
Between South and North Korea started a real cyber war, the winner of which is not yet defined. A new round of confrontation was the accusation of North Korea, according to which is the "recruits"...
In Primorye, the recent cases of trafficking of counterfeit money. Counterfeit money flooding Primorye For 8 months of this year registered 254 crimes under Article 186 of the Criminal Code. More...
June 27 this year, two former employees of the transport police convicted of abuse of power and for the theft of a group of persons by prior agreement with the unlawful entry into a home. Police in...
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