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Almost all countries of the world burn UNESCO

Almost all countries of the world burn UNESCO Almost all countries of the world burn included in the list of quarantine species of the specific disease severity are shown fruit plants. Therefore, in the summer laboratory examination of specimens of fruit trees of the region. While cases of detection of a burn is not revealed. Costs associated with the eradication of the disease, are huge, so many gardeners already completely abandoned cultivation of pear, and Apple orchards. Damage is not only in crop damage and loss of trees, hundreds of thousands of dollars go on выкорчевку and restoration of the gardens. Moreover, the specialists of the Primorsky branch of the all-Russian centre for plant quarantine, infected, the plant dies within three months. As have informed RIA “VladNеws” in the press-service of regional office of Rosselkhoznadzor for the Primorsky Krai and Sakhalin oblast Harmfulness of this disease increases the possibility of the spread of its pathogens not only with the landing material, but streams of water, insects, air masses, by which pathogens can freely move on the distance of several tens of kilometers.

RIA "VladNews"

Опубликовано:   18-06-2013, 18:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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