The name of the head of Department of traffic police of Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia for Primorsk
The name of the head of Department of traffic police of Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia for the Primorsky Krai Oleg Зубакина received the letter of gratitude of the individual entrepreneur Vladimir Бейдермана, who nearly lost his costly vehicle. As have informed RIA «VladNews» in the press-service of the road police of Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia for the Primorsky Krai, car Isuzu Forward crane installation belonging to the 70-year-old military pensioner, was at the departmental the territory of the village of Kirov. The attackers entered the Parking lot at night on 12 June and took possession of the car. The owner of the cars parked in the long time, not suspected of theft. Delay vehicle managed by the vigilance of the inspectors of separate battalion of traffic police of traffic police of Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia for the Primorsky Krai senior Lieutenant Alexey Lysova and Lieutenant Danila Бакшаева. In the course of service on the Federal highway Khabarovsk-Vladivostok police saw the driver Isuzu Forward, noticing outfit dps, began to increase the speed and make drastic rebuilding grossly violating traffic Rules. Officers immediately decided to start a prosecution of a suspicious vehicle. As a result of the truck was detained. During the inspection of the vehicle inspectors found traces of tampering. It later emerged that the Forward had been hijacked. The owner of the car expresses huge gratitude to the employees of the traffic police. «I always resented the frequent checks of documents on stationary posts and simply on the streets staff of road patrol. But was wrong! Now I am convinced of the opposite. Conscientious officers who are difficult service on the roads of our great country, make a big and important task for the repression of crime», concludes in his letter to Vladimir Годельевич.
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