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In the city of Arsenyev Prosecutor upheld

In the city of Arsenyev Prosecutor upheld In the city of Arsenyev Prosecutor upheld the institution of criminal proceedings against the officers of traffic police of Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia for the Primorsky Krai. The Prosecutor's office of the city of Arseniev recognized as legitimate and reasonable resolution of the investigative Department of the G. Arseniev SU IC of Russia for the Primorsky Krai dated 13 June 2013 criminal corruption cases in respect of employees of the branch № 4 (дисклокация, Arsenyev) IER of the road police of Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia for the Primorsky Krai. As has told to the correspondent of RIA «VladNews» senior assistant Prosecutor of Primorsky Krai Elena Telegina, according to investigators, the state inspector of Department № 4 being the official, out of mercenary interest in August 2012 received a bribe in the form of money in the amount of 15 thousand rubles for illegal actions. The investigation found: the citizen, resident of the city of Arsenyev, were issued driving licence without passing the exam. To the case, one employee in addition to the traffic police, who checked knowledge, have been involved in two other officials of the state, who made false information in official documents - examination scripts of positive qualification exam, which is not true. After that the briber has received the coveted document. In may of this year in relation to these same employees of the interregional Department instituted criminal proceedings on the crime envisaged by p. «and» 5 o'clock senior 290 of the criminal code (official through an intermediary of a bribe in the form of money for illegal actions, by a group of persons by previous concert). Currently Арсеньевским city court in respect of a mediator and two officers of the traffic police remand in custody. The progress and results of the preliminary investigation of criminal cases on crimes of corruption put on the control in the Prosecutor's office of the city. It is recalled that already about two years for corruption crimes, apart from serving the punishment in a colony, provided penalties multiples of receiving bribes in the amount of 40 to 100 thousand rubles.

Ivan Severe

Опубликовано:   14-06-2013, 16:45      |      Категория:  eng news

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