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The practice of annual passage of a medical Commission

The practice of annual passage of a medical Commission The practice of annual passage of a medical Commission of the children with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, down syndrome, autism should be abolished, believes the Chairman of the Council of Federation, Valentina Matvienko. After a visit to the rehabilitation centre for children and teenagers with disabilities «Trust» in Obninsk Valentina Matvienko, speaker of the Federation Council, wrote on her blog on the official website of the Federation Council: «the Staff of the center give children a real help. But at the present level of development of medicine, they are doomed to lifelong disabilities. This is known. However, the existing legal norms prescribe these children every two years to pass medical Commission to confirm disability». Stressing the fact that the passage of the medical commissions for sick children is not just a physical load, but the psychological, moral stress, the speaker announced that supervise the preparation of corresponding amendments to the existing regulations for the abolition of the commissions. The initiative of the speaker of the Federation Council supported the Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky territory, Vladimir Bespalov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on budget and tax policy and financial resources: "I'm quite familiar with this problem. On the territory of the city of Arsenyev, which I headed for 7 years, is a medical institution "Swallow" on the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. There are excellent specialists, psychologists, doctors, nurses. They can do wonders. But to make the whole of such patients is almost impossible. The monument must be installed for doctors and parents who care for such children. And of course it is necessary to protect from the senseless bureaucracy and humiliation of the family, where children are being brought up data diagnoses." And while parents wonder why the children with disabilities are not subject to the law «On the bases of social service of the population in the Russian Federation», the work on the draft new wording of the law, prepared by the Ministry of labor of Russia, is already underway. In the future of children with disabilities included in the number of recipients of social service.

RIA "VladNews"

Опубликовано:   13-06-2013, 17:02      |      Категория:  eng news

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