At an informal meeting with journalists from Primorye,
At an informal meeting with journalists from Primorye, which took place today in the building of the newspaper «Vladivostok», Igor Pushkarev answered the question about how he manages to ensure hour activity rhythm of the city and spent time with his family. Speaking of that work is, to a certain extent, life dominant, Igor Pushkarev noted the role of women in the family. That should understand and support her husband in his chosen business. «I was lucky!» Igor Sergeevich. Noting the clear distribution of roles in the family, the head of Vladivostok touched family priorities: «I worked all my life a lot. The house is never long he had not visited. My wife treat this fact with understanding and always in a joking tone quoted me a Japanese proverb about the perfect husband. According to the Japanese, the ideal husband two virtues - he never gets sick and is not at home. Of course, this is not so, but man, if he is busy, the house is not often. At home he is not sitting. I had heard about such cases, when a woman works and a man sits at home, but I don't understand it» His perception of family life Igor Sergeevich transmitted in clear images of each person. «Life is a two-way road. Here it is important понимание.Женщина wants attention. A man should take this into account. But the man busy - and the woman should understand. Men think that they control, but in fact they are controlled by a woman. Depends on the woman 80% of the achievements of family relations in the family and raising the children. And, if children see that father really works, it becomes a good example for them!» In the process of conversation about family values, journalists asked Igor Пушкареву question about the education of his eldest son. The head of the city said that recently he twice became convinced that his son acquires the traits of the character of this man, despite being constantly busy father who didn't always have the time to be the right thing to suggest. «I recently with his brothers and father went on a trip to Moscow on cars. Finished in six days. The eldest son took it with him, " said the mayor. - Adults who have a driver's license, went so: one at the wheel, the second - Navigator. Stopped to rest and sleep. Pace, you know, what - six days on nine thousand, two hundred kilometers. Guy load endured. I see that with education's all right. Son grow a reliable and strong» the Second example, narrated by the head of Vladivostok, terms of school relationships eldest son. Being quiet and counterbalanced, the son did not brag about kinship and not self-assertion. However, in high school, sometimes there are conflicts. Mainly because some peers are trying to assert themselves and tortured hook hurt. Cling, of course, not only him - all in a row. Just some fighting back, others have not. «Recently son came trousers were torn, dirty shirt, - said Igor Pushkarev. - It turns out, had to fight to stand up for themselves. Well done, not frightened. Managed to fight back. Means and character, and education all right. But education is mainly the merit of my wife» Source: Egor Ivanov
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