This Saturday, June 8 in the cinema «Vladivostok» everyone will be able to watch movie free: 11 am here for the second time the festival begins short films «noise», represents the creativity of local filmmakers. This festival is unique not only for its Olympic system, which are selected films-winners, and variety of the presented material in it: in the competition can participate not only artistic shorts, but commercials and music videos. For favourite movie audience votes loud applause - hence the name of the film festival. - The themes of the films may be different, - said the organizer of the festival Tikhon Makarov. - Submit your work to the contest may every interested in cinematography. One constraint is the absence of profanity as the primary audience of the festival - youth from 16 years. The film should be participating in the competition is limited to 15 minutes. To take part in the contest, visit fill out an application and submit your entry with a link to youtube, vimeo or a social network «Vkontakte». Then the Directors of the films that have been selected, are asked to bring a film on physical media. To take part in a film festival can any inhabitant of Vladivostok from 14 to 30 years. The winner will get a massive prize in the amount of 40000 rubles. Recall that a victory in the first film festival «noise Level»held in Vladivostok on may 11 won the movie Constantine Petruk «Letter». Evaluate the work of the following participants on 8 June at 11 o'clock in the cinema «Vladivostok». Source: Maria Pisareva, RIA «VladNews»
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