Seventeen Maria Serebriakova from the village of Vladimir-Aleksandrovskoe Partyzansky Primorye After a few preliminary rounds performed at the prestigious creative contest "Rosneft" lights the stars ", held in Moscow.
School of Maritime performed at the prestigious competition
Girl studying in "Rosneft-class" open initiative of Eastern Petrochemical Company in the village school. She was a finalist in the corporate seaside festival of creative initiative, which for several years organized by the company "Rosneft".
The submitted subsidiaries of the oil company can not only employees and their children, but also students' Rosneft-class "students of specialized areas of the partner universities and scholarship. To get to the Moscow Gala, potential participants must pass qualifying rounds. Maria Serebriakova VNHK presented at the zonal stage of the festival in Angarsk and won first place for the company in the "Vocal. 14-17 years. "
Contest final in Moscow brought together more than two thousand participants from subsidiaries "Rosneft" from all over Russia, who competed in 14 categories.
- Impressions after the festival is still overwhelmed, VNHK thank you for the opportunity to take part in it, - says Masha Serebriakova. - Winning at the zonal round led me to the final and I first visited Moscow. While there I took the prize, the contest has given me a new experience and left a vivid memory. Particularly impressed with the level of organization, everything was thought out, and any issues were dealt with immediately.
Maria enjoys singing folk eight years, graduated from the music school of the village of Vladimir Alexandrov, and continues to engage in the local House of Culture. For her, as for the hundreds of talented children from across the country, the festival of "Rosneft" - the ability to express themselves and make a creative career: as a jury advocate known artists and cultural figures.
- "Rosneft lights the stars" - far more than the corporate competition. It supports children and teenagers, the development of culture in the region - said Deputy General Director of JSC "VNHK" on personnel and Regional Policy Elena Theologian.
- Companies "Rosneft" are often major employers, with major subsidiaries have even their own home culture, which brought strong creative teams. Among our staff, students "RN-class" and the students too much talent, I think in the future we will be able to send more to the festival participants. I'm sure because of the competition in Primorye light up new stars.
Eastern Petrochemical Company in Primorye running only three years old but has already made a contribution to the cultural development of the region. The funds VNHK was renovated House of Culture of Wrangell and a children's drama school. By the holidays, the company will arrange for residents of the neighborhood theater performances and game programs, annually supports the creative teams of the city - said the press service VNHK.