Members of the Legislative Assembly is actively involved in the discussion of the draft law developed by the Governor of the PC "on free land in the Primorye Territory."
As reported
Press Service LAVS
, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly for Food Policy and the Environment,
member of the advisory council of the Public Eugene Zotov
generally endorsed the document, calling it an important step designed to encourage young families and individuals who have two children, as well as stop the exodus from the region.
The draft law "On the free provision of land in the Primorsky Territory" posted at
Governor of the PC Vladimir Miklushevsky
. The head of the region offered residents of the region to read the document and make suggestions and comments. After completing the procedure of public hearings, the bill will be introduced in the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai.
Under the bill, get free land for housing will be able to several categories of citizens. This is a family with two children, including foster, under the age of 18 years, and young families in which both spouses are under 35 years of age. Plots will be given for rent for housing for a period of five years. If during this time on the ground to build a house, it will become the property of citizens.
It should be noted that in the Primorye already a law passed by the Legislative Assembly "On the free provision of land plots to citizens with three or more children in the Primorye Territory." It involves the allocation of land for use free of large families as a result of participation in the draw.
"The draft of the proposed law raises the question - is there enough land for all citizens that fall into the category listed in the law? Now, just say it is not enough - said Eugene Zotov. - For example, in Vladivostok, home to about 1500 families with many children, of which 800 - stood at the register to receive the land until at least 200 families have received land. Regarding families who have two children or young families up to 35 years, they are in the Primorye Territory has more than 40000. I think the land is not enough for all . Today is actively discussing the transfer of land at the disposal of the Ministry of Defense of regional authorities. Only in this way, families can expect to receive land. Yet, in my view, priority should be put to provide land for large families. "
Member of the Legislative Assembly, a member of the Public Expert Council Dmitry Novikov
shared, as is the development of the future of the law: "It's been more than 10 working groups to discuss the bill. We were checking out the sites, which are then to be allocated to families. Vladivostok this area will be highlighted in the bay area Shield. obvious need for this law, its adoption is complex effect. In geopolitical terms - we hold on the population of the province. After all, if the family here will land, build a house, they will stay here. So people are fixed on the territory of the region. Secondly, we solve a very severe problem with software housing. We will reduce the price of land, the amount of increase and the price will fall. This will give boost to the economy of Primorye Territory. "
According to deputies, each inhabitant of the Primorsky Territory when choosing a place of residence are important aspects such as infrastructure and the availability of jobs. "Along with providing the residents of Primorye land, it is important to engage in parallel with the revival of production and the creation of new jobs for the population. As for the bill, it is new and has no analogues on the federal level. Hopefully, it will work similar to the already existing law of the land for many children, "- said the chairman of the relevant committee Evgeni Zotov.