Photo: BBC Russia One senior member of the Communist Party of China has called on his compatriots traveling to tourist trips abroad, to behave properlymanner.
One of the four vice-premiers of the State Council Wang Yang said that "uncivilized behavior" of some Chinese tourists spoil the image of the country.
Among a number of issues he highlighted some of the Chinese style of talking too loudly, ignoring the others, as well as the habit of spitting.
The Chinese, in turn, according to the correspondent of BBC BBC in Beijing Celia Hatton, often complain that a treated badly abroad.
Trips abroad are gaining popularity in China, especially among the more affluent residents of a growing class of China.
Last year, Chinese tourists spent abroad in a total of $ 102 billion, up 40% from a year earlier. According to the UN World Tourism Organization, China has become the largest source of revenue in the global tourism industry.
Every year the people of China make 83 million trips abroad. Not surprisingly, the habits of a small part of this live stream cause, to put it mildly in their host countries.
Just a few years ago, tourism has been the privilege of only the rich Chinese, but now it can afford the millions of residents of large and even the provincial cities. They get passports and trembling are expecting their first chance to look at the outside world.
However, after returning from his travels, many Chinese are beginning to complain that they were treated as second-class citizens.
Earlier this year, many online forums in China literally seethed because of protests due to the fact that one hotel in the Maldives took her tea room, where the settled Chinese tourists.
It turns out that the decision upset the hotel manager explained very simply: Chinese tourists to use boiled water to cook in the room brought with noodles. Hotel restaurants are after, of course, did not attend.
But such details are unlikely to become an obstacle for Chinese tourists, exploding overseas, as well as for the further development of this growing tourism industry in China.
Wang Yan wishes have been published on the website of the official organ of the Communist Party of China - the newspaper People's Daily.
"All levels of government and relevant agencies and companies should strive to improve the appearance of a civilized citizen of the country, as well as establish a good image of Chinese tourists abroad" - Said in his comments.
Wang Yang advised the authorities "Recommend tourists to consciously follow the rules of conduct and ethics, respect for the religious beliefs and practices, monitor their speech and behavior and protect the environment."
As the correspondent of the BBC BBC in Beijing, the wishes of the vice-premier of the State Council of the PRC have caused a mixed reaction in the social network Weibo, the Chinese analogue of Twitter.
"It is time to think about ourselves - Wrote one user Weibo, - The richer we get, the worse our behavior" .
However, other participants find that a senior representative of the Communist Party of China, which itself is under fire in connection with corruption scandals, has no right to judge others.
Local media are full of stories about how the Chinese tourists had to suffer the humiliation abroad, as they were treated condescendingly, as well as the numerous robberies, which they were subjected.
Earlier this year, officials in Jiangsu province in eastern China asked local citizens going abroad, not to bring large sums of money in cash, and do not flaunt expensive jewelry.