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Leaders of "United Russia" praised the bill seaside land for large

Leaders of \"United Russia\" praised the bill seaside land for large

The representative of the coastal branch of "United Russia" introduced the law "On the free provision of land in the Primorsky Territory" at the VII Party Media Forum, which was held in Moscow.

Incarnation of the bill will help address the shortage of housing in the region and reduce its cost. Recall Governor Vladimir Miklushevsky proposed the "United Russia" party to develop a project for the allocation of land for housing to families raising two or more children.

The Secretary of the General Council of "United Russia" Sergei Neverov called the proposal interesting and also noted that similar conditions of the project can be discussed within the framework of the state program of development of the Far East.

"At a meeting with representatives of the president of the parliamentary factions, we discussed this matter. Including, and the option of providing land for the construction of housing for families who have two children. I think it's an interesting program" - Said Sergei Neverov.

Recall Governor first announced an initiative to provide free land in the "Big Meeting" on March 26. "Earth Defense Ministry, which sent the littoral should not be sold and stolen, they should go to residents of the region," - He stressed.

A draft law by the Working Group. Every resident of Primorye could make suggestions governor personally - a great discussion began in the blog of the regional head. Here in the near future will be ready published the draft law "On the free provision of land in the Primorye Territory." After the public hearings Vladimir Miklushevsky will it to the Legislative Assembly.

Опубликовано:   18-05-2013, 17:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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