For many, not only the center of Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, it is stilland the Chinese city with Russian destiny. Construction of the CER, Russian emigration, one of the main transit points for trade with Russia. And as a consequence - the emergence of a large Orthodox community. During the Cultural Revolution, she was hit hard, but still remains the largest in China. Next to Orthodoxy in Harbin - Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Judaism.
The last two days of Harbin became the center of Orthodoxy. Harbin visitedPatriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, who celebrated the Divine Liturgy at Holy Virgin Protection Church, visited the Hagia Sophia and meet with Orthodox believers
According to
the press service of the Russian Orthodox Church
, To the celebration were many orthodox Chinese and Russian compatriots. Not all of them were able to enter the temple. Upon arrival at the church of the Intercession His Holiness went to the believer being on the street and talked with them, taught themPrimatial blessing. As it turned out, at the service of profits not only Orthodox living in Harbin. Some came specifically for this purpose from the Far East of Russia, in particular, from Vladivostok. Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church encouraged the children who arrived in Harbin on treatment, talk to their parents, and blessed the children and adults.
Talking about perfect in the Protection Church Harbin worship,
His Holiness
- We prayed especially for those who sowed the seeds of Orthodoxy on Chinese soil. I would like to thank all of you, dear Chinese Orthodox brothers and sisters, for the fact that you have kept the Orthodox faith, despite the difficult conditions.
From the point of view of the Orthodox Church in Harbin today, there is a paradox. The Orthodox community is still the largest in China, but the city remained Orthodox priests, believers commit themselves to the house of worship.
As for the famous Hagia Sophia, today it is an exposition of the architectural museum. Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, recalling the story of the destruction of the Temple of Christ the Savior in Moscow, stressed the importance of preservation of monuments Russian presence in China for the development of Russian-Chinese relations
During a visit to Harbin, His Holiness met with the deputy chairman of the provincial People's Government Heyluntszyan Shunem Yunbo. Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill asked the leadership of the Chinese province of Heyluntszyan open for Orthodox Harbin Protection Church, so that they can pray in it at least a few times a year.
Continuing the theme of His Holiness said: "We are delighted that the two sons of the Chinese people of Harbin being trained in religious schools of the Russian Church." His Holiness expressed his hope that in time they will be performing services, which will be able to pray for believers in Harbin or elsewhere.
Pointing to an increase in the flow of tourists from Russia, visiting China, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, mentioned: "When the Russians come to China, they are, of course, visit the attractions, including the various temples. But a very special place is occupied by Russian Orthodox churches in Harbin. This present historical spiritual bridge between our peoples. "
According to the press service of the Russian Orthodox Church, His Holiness stressed the importance of the religious factor in the development of good-neighborly relations between the two countries, especially between the Chinese province of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin and the Russian Far East, "If you want to position the heart of the Russian people to China, bring it to Harbin and show him the Orthodox churches. Malo, which countries have such a huge potential positive impact on the neighborhood. "
During the visit of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill in China and he was accompanied by many events attended by Russian dipuchrdzhedeny working in the Middle Kingdom.
According to
China Central Television
The presentation of a new book of Patriarch Kirill held at the Russian Embassy in China. The name of the book presented - "Freedom and Responsibility: In Search of Harmony." The collection includes more than 20 articles published since the late 90's, as well as public speech of the patriarch. In his works, the patriarch raises eternal questions about freedom of choice, morality, morality and duty. According to the author, his book may be interested in all the believers of different faiths, including Buddhists and Taoists. In addition, Patriarch Kirill hopes that his work will be useful and ordinary Chinese reader who wants to learn more about Russian culture, religion and philosophy.
As noted
in the Vladivostok diocese
, The visit of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church in China today is difficult to overestimate, the ride is very significant and necessary for the development and strengthening of Orthodoxy. Today, many of the Far East visited China border. Work temples, worship, reverent attitude to the stories - all this is the trend of mutual understanding in the spiritual realm. And the Russians and the Chinese have a common moral foundation, a general framework for life and interaction. You need to save this basis, to strengthen it. And it will help consolidate the position in the world in which these concepts are bewildering.