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In Vladivostok, a large-scale rehearsal starts mayoral election

In Vladivostok, a large-scale rehearsal starts mayoral election Photo: ITAR-TASS

Tomorrow, May 16 on the island of Russian will begin the first phase of the primaries of the party "United Russia" on the nomination of the candidate for mayor of Vladivostok. In fact, the townspeople will present a kind of rehearsal for the election of the mayor.

Potential nominees will be offered to the court of electors and international experts your program, then the vote will take place. The second stage - the regional branch of the party conference - scheduled for the end of June - beginning of July. It was then determined a single candidate from the party.

This reduced, but at the same time, worthy copy scheduled for Sept. 8 election of Mayor, representation of citizens is not inferior to (and may be greater than) the statistical surveys. So, along with 150 electors official candidates will give their assessment of around 3500 international experts.

Recall nominees had two opportunities to get into the clip primaries: to become self-nominated (there was enough support to 10 members of the party), or else their candidacy could make a public organization. In the end, only the current mayor of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev became a protege of public organizations. It was supported by more than 90 such groups, it is more than 30 thousand people have already made their choice. They are ready to explain his decision.

- Igor is open, accessible people, - says Love Ryazapova , Chairman of the Primorye regional branch of the public organization "Russian Union of Women of the Navy." - More than once I was on his meetings with the residents of the city. After all, we women are the most active participants in their. And not afraid of anyone. We are afraid only for their families, their relatives and friends. And politics is not important to us. Many shy, can I come up and ask such a question. But the microphone was given to all. And Igor Pushkarev was always open to criticism, and suggestions. I saw in his eyes - he has a conscience.

It is noteworthy that on the eve of May 15 one of six candidates, Victoria Nikolaeva , Refused to participate in the primaries. It is possible that she simply does not see the support for his candidacy among the citizens, and in the celebration of Victory Day, when the number of non-governmental organizations that support the current head of Igor Pushkarev again increased markedly, and this decision was taken. Thus, the number of participants was reduced to five primaries. At the end of the primaries names of two candidates will be discussed at a regional party conference.

- No surprises on the list of people I do not see, - said the director of Far East Consulting Center, political scientist Peter Khanas . - The result of the primaries is not difficult to predict. The population has no desire to see as mayor of the new man. But here is whether it will support the political elite at a regional conference? This question is of interest in the upcoming primaries.

Опубликовано:   15-05-2013, 11:20      |      Категория:  eng news

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