When Igor Pushkarev in kindergartens Vladivostok created more than two thousand seats
On Wednesday Mayor Igor Pushkarev was awarded a diploma for achievements before Vladivostok, thereby recognizing the current head of one of the best mayors Russia. Among the achievements of the Vladivostok mayor's contest organizers emphasized the implementation of priority programs to reduce queues in kindergartens, which was started by Igor Sergeyevich since 2008.
It's no secret that in the '90s a lot of kindergartens in Vladivostok were destroyed or transferred to organizations that do not have any relation to the children. Then there was a demographic decline: seaside gave birth to a little girl, and the problem of lack of space in the gardens seemed to be something far from reality. As a result, the number and capacity of kindergartens dropped sharply - then Beijing has lost more than 200 gardens. It took some 10-15 years, and the situation has changed: the lack of places in kindergartens has quickly become catastrophic, but the former city officials studiously pretending that problems do not exist.
In its first year of operation - 2008-th - Igor Pushkarev team managed to create about 990 seats in municipal kindergartens. This is equivalent to the discovery of four kindergartens into 11 groups each.
During the entire period of the program to support children's gardens in the city was established in 2090 places. Were discovered and reconstructed kindergartens on Sakhalin, 37a, Russian, 60a, Vilkovo, 7 Borisenko, 20 Uzbek, 25 and many others. Because many of the buildings have been leased to the previous administration, city hall Pushkarev through the court had to seek their return to the city. Of course, build new kindergartens, for example, in the "naval" Snow Pad district put two kindergarten - "Cutter" and "Firefly." Thus, the year 2012 was reduced in all kindergartens doubled - to 7000 children.
In addition, this year a lot of scheduled construction of new kindergartens on Balyaeva and silver fir, and this year will open 5 more. Among these kindergartens to Gulbinovicha, 4 Nekrasov, 76 of Moscow, 201 Russian, 51 Neybuta, 47 with the earliest open their doors to children in the spring, and later - in the fall. At the same time, those gardens that will open this year, the total estimated more than 1000 people.
Also, the mayor initiative has been developed to support the nursery on a competitive basis. It has been five years in the city choose the best nursery schools, which for years have managed to introduce in the care and education of babies innovative methods. Five such outstanding institutions awarded a million rubles, which managers can spend on repairs, purchase of musical instruments, sports equipment, new computers, or something else, not less useful for kindergarten.
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