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South Korean President called for the active development of the Northern Sea Route

South Korean President called for the active development of the Northern Sea Route Photo: rus.ruvr.ru

Shipping companies should actively explore the sea routes in the Arctic, which over time will become more accessible for shipping due to the melting of ice in a warming climate. ITAR-TASS , This was stated by the President of the Republic of Korea Pak Kin Hyo meeting with the minister responsible for the problems of navigation, fisheries and maritime affairs.

The president referred to the expert notes that the length of these routes will be significantly shorter routes through the Suez Canal.

"If the government together with the private sector to take active measures, Busan and other ports of the country will become an important staging post in the region of Northeast Asia," - Said the South Korean president.

Pak Kin Hye said that she is convinced of the need to expand the scale of investment in the latest research and development in the field of navigation.

Опубликовано:   22-04-2013, 17:10      |      Категория:  eng news

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