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Medvedev government to assess the Russians put the "three-plus" - polls

Medvedev government to assess the Russians put the \"three-plus\" - polls

All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) presents data on how Russians assess the government's work of Dmitry Medvedev, what achievements, failures and resonant initiative is credited with the cabinet, and whether they can, in the opinion of the respondents, to achieve improvements in the country.

Work of the government Dmitry Medvedev put the Russians on the average estimate just above the "troika" of the five-point scale (321 points). For comparison, in September last year, the evaluation did not differ (319).

Name the achievement of the cabinet over the past year respondents either can not (42%), or they think that they were not (42%). The other mention pension increase (2%), the fight against corruption, the country's stability, the development of social policy, science, improving the standard of living (1%), etc. As for the failures in the work of the government, the result of significant examples of the respondents also can not (49%), but the fact that they were not, believe 27%. Those who may be called failures cabinet, often refer to the inefficient fight against corruption (4%), education reform (3%), low standard of living, rising prices, the collapse of agriculture, low pensions, lack of control over utility tariffs, unsuccessful reform of the Interior Ministry (2%), etc.

The majority of Russians (81%) do not remember any initiatives and ministerial decisions made by them a year's work. The other mention the fight against smoking and alcohol, toughening penalties for drunk driving, the strengthening of the army (by 2%). Other solutions could name no more than 1%.

The Russians, as before, note that the government led by Dmitry Medvedev works much as they expected (58%). But in July of last year, nearly double the share of those who recognized that the work of the Cabinet of Ministers of disappointing (from 17 to 31%). And only 5% reported that the government is working better than they expected.

The belief that the current government will be able to improve the situation in the country is reduced - the corresponding index for the first time since 2005 entered a zone of negative values (-8 points). The decline is due to reduction in the proportion of Russians who are sure that the cabinet will be able to achieve success (from 32% in 2012 to 27% now) and the growth of those who think differently (between 25 and 34%, respectively).

The majority of the respondents believe that the government of Dmitry Medvedev works no better and no worse than the government that was headed by Vladimir Putin, but in recent months has become less of these respondents (71% in September 2012 - 76%). On the contrary, compared to last fall, has become more of those who believe that the current government is less efficient than the previous one (from 11 to 17%).

Опубликовано:   22-04-2013, 09:10      |      Категория:  eng news

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