Tuesday, April 16 in the seaside capital, a meeting of participants of the popular movement "Vladivostok - a decent mayor". Leader of the movement - Chairman of honorary citizens of Vladivostok Svetlana Morozova -began the meeting with, thanked all the participants for their indifferent to the future of his native city:
- As in 2010 when we met for the first time, today we are here voluntarily. Hard to believe, but no one forced us - neither the government nor the party. We have already supported at the time of Vladimir Putin in the presidential election, supported the worthy candidates for the city council elections, and now our national movement "Vladivostok - a decent mayor!" gathered to support the candidate worthy of our trust.
Social activists, gathered in the conference room "Dalryba" unanimously adopted Svetlana Morozova as leader, endorsed the goals of the movement and the agenda and moved to the main issue - the nomination of a candidate for mayor of Vladivostok. Representatives of 17 non-governmental organizations, unions, diasporas - everyone could speak, one could state their position publicly.
Valery Tarabarov, ex-chief of the Vladivostok branch of the Far Eastern Railway, the honorable Minister railwayman:
- I think not slukavlyu, when I say that we support the candidacy of Igor Sergeyevich Pushkarev. During the years of its operation the city has changed, we all see it: become cleaner, well, comfortable. But in order for the city to continue to develop, we need a decent mayor, and I, and my colleagues, we think so Igor Sergeyevich.
Michael Robkanov, Honorary President of "CPV":
- Dynamics Upgrade Vladivostok obvious. I do not believe those who promise one or even three years to rid the city of all the problems. During the first term of Igor completed a part of what he can and wants to do for the city. And I can tell him: the city should clean the road will be a new parking lot for cars - as in Japan. I just came from there - sterile car ride through the streets. The mayor is working in this direction, and let it work for another term.
Nicholas Brain, chairman of the Vladivostok organization "Children of War":
- Our organization is determined in the winter with those who support the September election - incumbent mayor. On behalf of his comrades will file Igor Pushkarev another area for work. Under no circumstances should there be transfer of Vladivostok on the payment of electricity for the social norm. Older people can not fit into these 65-80 kW, which we offer as a sop to "discount"! Here you go, the field for the head of the city!
Tatiana Prudkoglyad member of the Writers' Union of Russia, director of the publishing house Palo:
- Just want to say that Igor helps our union, and many good things we see of him. I have no doubt that many normal citizens will support his candidacy.
Gennady Khvatov, ex-commander of the Pacific Fleet, retired Admiral:
- I know Pushkarev Igor Sergeyevich good enough. However, I also know all the mayors of Vladivostok. And because I can analyze their work systematically. Immediately report that actively works Pushkarev, he really tries to transform the city. I think that his candidacy is worthy of support.
After consulting with a lawyer, the meeting participants unanimously supported the nomination of Igor Pushkarev in the elections of the city administration. Now up to the primaries, which will be held from 16 to 23 May on the campus of Palo.
Summed up the meeting Svetlana Morozova:
- Personally, I meet with Igor almost every day. I have long appreciated, how it works, how it burned in preparation for the APEC Summit. Someone may criticize it, to say that not everything. But much to do, but that is not possible, to get the next term. Vladivostok revolution is not needed!