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Igor Pushkarev - "We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\" Photo: Administration of Vladivostok.

5 years ago on the initiative of the city of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev, work began on the construction of new stadiums and sports fields. The mayor insistedfor that new sports facilities were built to the latest standards. Artificial turf, meet the standards FIFA, rubberized playgrounds for basketball, volleyball, gymnastics facilities, jogging tracks, covered stands, warm dressing rooms.

"I want to be firmly entrenched in the sport life vladivostoktsev, - Said Igor Pushkarev. - Over the past years we have built 15 new stadiums and sports grounds,resulted in the order of more than 70 boxes of hockey. "

In 2008 the head of the city adopted a municipal target program" Sports Vladivostok "in 2009-2013. first according to the program built a sports center - Center of street basketball near 52 th school. sports complex has six basketball courts with a comfortable, modern coating, built Stage, for 400 people, changing rooms, toilets. At school time it engaged students in the afternoonand at the weekend - the basketball players and everyone.

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Center street basketball near 52 th school.

In 2010 a newStadium appeared near the 54th school. All treadmills are made of a special rubberized coating on the huge football field - artificial grass - covering the next generation of safe sport. At the stadium will provide the viewing platform with seats and locker rooms. In sports it is possible and in the evening - all over the stadium lights installed. The area around the new sports complex landscaped and planted with trees and shrubs.

In 2010 the new stadium will be near the 54th school.

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

In the same year near the school № 64 built playground. It consists of three layers - the first students can play mini-football and basketball, the second is designed for volleyball and badminton. At the third level housed gymnastic exercise equipment. All fields Fields lined with modern special coated rubber crumb. Training on such springy surfaces safer for the joints and muscles.

In the same year near the school № 64 built playground.

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Three new sites and two stadium appeared in 2011. Sports facilities built near schools № № 10576532 and 73. Near 57th school managed to create not just a modern playground, and a complex consisting of two zones. In one, enclosed by a high fence, you can play volleyball, basketball, indoor soccer and badminton. In another - is gym complex, here athletes can catch up on the horizontal bar and parallel bars. Everywhere there are large comfortable benches. By modern standards are two composting toilets. The coating on the site - from the rubber crumbs, and it vlagoottalkivayuschee netravmaopasnoe. Early in the morning and in the evening lit area and keep order at the new facility monitors video surveillance system. Now protected from vandalism and all school grounds - on the perimeter fence is installed.

Stadium near the school № 32.

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Sports ground near the school № 65.

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Last year there was a new stadium near the 81 th school. A new athletic fields near schools number 14 and number 43. 81 schools built around basketball court, running track with rubberized coating, gym complex with sporting ammunition. In winter, work here and hockey box. Dress for physical education students of the school № 81 in the locker room are located in the stadium. On the playground installed bio-toilet. The sports complex is fenced and lighted, video surveillance.

Stadium near the school № 81.

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

Igor Pushkarev - \"We built 15 modern stadiums and sports fields and 70 hockey boxes\"

This year, by order of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev build 10 stadiums and venues. The lucky owners of new sports facilities will be number of school number 114853565966774728 and Technical High School. Around 4711 and 56 schools already doing preparatory work.

"Nice stadium or sports ground should appear next to each school in Vladivostok, - said Igor Pushkarev. - The new sports facilities in the hours when there is no school lessons should be free to come from neighboring houses and also in sports. We build in residential islands of health" .

Опубликовано:   16-04-2013, 15:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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