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DPRK authorities asked the Russian diplomats evacuate

DPRK authorities asked the Russian diplomats evacuate Photo: pressplus.ru

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK has proposed Russia to consider evacuation of embassy staff in connection with the aggravation of the situation on the peninsula, reports Rosbalt . It is reported that the Russian side has taken note of the proposal, but to evacuate staff has no plans. Add that North Korea's Foreign Ministry sent a similar treatment to other diplomatic missions operating in Pyongyang.

"Seriously study this notice in all the circumstances. Invariably believe in the imperative of non-outbreak of hostilities on the Korean Peninsula" - Commented on the proposal Pyongyang in the Russian Foreign Ministry.

"We consider it absolutely unacceptable policy of forcing war hysteria. Count on maximum restraint and composure of all involved. Presume no alternative to a political and diplomatic settlement of the nuclear and other issues on the Korean Peninsula on the basis of the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and other international instruments," - According to the Foreign Ministry, adding that the department are in constant contact with China, the U.S. and South Korea.

Recall, yesterday it was reported that North Korea has deployed and camouflaged the second medium-range missiles, "Musudan" on the east coast of the Korean Peninsula. Rocket launchers are on. The Russian Defense Ministry said yesterday that Russia is not threatened and missiles from North Korea to Russia will not get. Flight range missiles "Musudan" is about 3 thousand miles. International observers say that the missiles of this type have not yet tested.

Опубликовано:   7-04-2013, 17:40      |      Категория:  eng news

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