Carrier and "orderly" material support of Vladivostok city budget
Photo: Anatoly Filatov
At today, April 3 meeting of City Council deputies, among other issues, discussed and "On amendments to the municipal legal act from 12122012 № 05-IPA" The Vladivostok city district budget for 2013 and the planning period of 2014-2015 years. "In particular, it was a question of the allocation of additional funds VPOPAT Spetszavodu-1 and № 1 that is, a carrier and" sanitation "of the city.
Chairman of the Committee on Budget, Finance and Taxes Isakov said that this is due to the fact that VPOPAT-1 today has important social functions of the enterprise itself recently. Specifically, Isakov identified new bus line at Cape Churkin: " To ensure that the new routing grid fully operational by the citizens of got used to it, and these funds are allocated ".
Recall Committee meeting on taxes MPs recommend colleagues to adopt these changes. Then during the discussion deputy Dmitry Suleev Noted that these buses are particularly needed in those areas of the city, where the difficult terrain and sparsely populated areas, where large buses to let unprofitable. Committee Chairman Vladimir Isakov added that the expansion of the bus fleet will not only help to improve public transport services, but also give more jobs.
Spetszavoda regard, the greater financial burden falls on him because, according to Isakov , the landfill accepts only half of solid waste than originally planned, " Spetszavod number one spends a lot of money on taxes if they were freed from this burden, it would be much easier. This enterprise is a great social responsibility, so the growth rates for their services was not considered ".
" The project provides for the increase of the authorized capital VPOPAT-1 to 26.9 million and an increase in the authorized capital Spetszavod № 1 at 19.5 million. Disposal of garbage and the organization of transport services to the public are very important local issues, they relate to each resident, and therefore these issues should always be treated very carefully, and transportation to run smoothly, and dispose waste in a timely manner, - Considers Vladimir Isakov . - As for Spetszavoda number 1 the adjustment provided for in the budget the amount needed to maintain the current balance of the enterprise and to work on implementation of recovery and recycling of waste by type, that in the future will increase the efficiency Spetszavoda. Also, the city administration is proposing to increase the authorized capital VPOPAT-1 to maintain its current balance of " , - Commented on Isakov
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