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In South Africa, "Pallas" waiting for a rich program of

In South Africa, \"Pallas\" waiting for a rich program of

March 23 frigate "Pallada" arrived at the port of Durban (South Africa) at 08:00 local time (10:00 Moscow time, 17:00 VFD). On the way to Durban sailboat have to specifically slow down.

On the quay "Palladium" will meet the Minister of Transport of South Africa, the head of SAMSA (Office of Maritime Security in South Africa) and the Mayor of Durban, as well as the leadership of the major South African shipping companies. The Russian delegation was headed by Russia's ambassador to South Africa.

March 24 aboard the sailing vessel arrives head Rosrybolovstva Quoting Andrew . On Sunday, he met with the crew and cadets of "Pallada", and will take part in the planned bilateral activities. Offers a wide coverage in the media of the vessel arrival and reception, as well as an interview on this occasion in order to strengthen ties between Russia and South Africa.

On the day of cultural exchange, March 25 after an exchange of experience in the maritime theme, will be held joint exercises sea cadets Russia and South Africa. Demonstration training exercises aboard allow cadets and leading the providers of higher maritime education in South Africa, to see the model of the Russian educational maritime training vessel.

To visit "Pallada" Maritime Security Service of South Africa (SAMSA) was proposed concept paper on the implementation of training and study seamanship on the Russian tall ship during his stay in Durban. The document, in particular, notes that in order for South Africa to have a permanent program for the development of marine skills, it is important that a study program in conjunction with an efficient, well-structured, multi-faceted training program basically concluded the maritime culture that teaches students, youth and the community.

It should be noted that South Africa has one of the longest coastlines in the world, equal to about three thousand kilometers. However, most South Africans do not impregnated marine culture, and for some segments of the population view of the water and all that it involves, is full of myths about the dangers and traps, hidden under the sea surface.

Currently, South Africa is being actively implemented a campaign to promote the Sea, implementation and development of the program is still at the stage of basic education. This year in this country declared Marine year. In addition, the level of government worked organizing Sailing deepwater marine practical training with the involvement of young people, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Such training students, with 100% of the work and operations are carried out manually, without a doubt, develops discipline and restraint.

As stated in the Office of the South African Maritime Safety (SAMSA), the arrival at the BRICS summit of the Russian sailing frigate "Pallada", on board of which are more than 70 students of the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, Vladivostok Sea Fishing College, is in South Africa a great opportunity to see operations and works on a sailing ship, get professional advice, exchange of experience in the field of maritime education, and to make two-way cultural exchange between Russia and South Africa.

During the visit, "Pallada" BRICS summit will be held on board the sailboat measures to develop bilateral maritime training with the Minister of Transport, the Mayor of Durban, head of the Office of Maritime Security in South Africa (SAMSA), top officials and representatives of the Ministry of Tourism, maritime schools, Navy South Africa, the international association of educational and sailing training.

On board the frigate "Pallada", led by captain of the national team will arrive sailing vessel SA Agulhas. For students "Pallada" after the demonstration maneuvers planned communication with peers - sea cadets universities and colleges, as well as an extensive excursion program.

Опубликовано:   24-03-2013, 06:11      |      Категория:  eng news

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