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In Vladivostok, at the monument to Ilyich Communists and their supporters protested against the "housing experiments"

In Vladivostok, at the monument to Ilyich Communists and their supporters protested against the \"housing experiments\" Photo: Tatiana Meel

Vladivostok was sanctioned rally to protest against the decision to include the Federal Maritime experiment on the introduction of the social norm of consumption of electricity (PHOTO).

According to the city AMIA, and was attended by over 250 people. At a rally in Vladivostok came not only citizens, but also delegations from many cities and regions of Primorye.

The speakers urged the government not to carry out an experiment, which, in their opinion, the residents of the region will empty wallets.

Recall that Primorye was among the 15 regions that participated in communal experiment. The essence of the experiment is that the energy spent sotsnormu tenants will pay the usual fare, but the fact that more rules will be more expensive. Ministry of Regional Development and the sotsnormu this is not disclosed.

Chapter edge Vladimir Miklushevsky brought this issue to the public advisory council on the quality of housing services, and requested the vice-governor of Alexander Kostenko carefully analyze the consequences of participation in the pilot region.

In Vladivostok, at the monument to Ilyich Communists and their supporters protested against the \"housing experiments\"

In Vladivostok, at the monument to Ilyich Communists and their supporters protested against the \"housing experiments\"

In Vladivostok, at the monument to Ilyich Communists and their supporters protested against the \"housing experiments\"

In Vladivostok, at the monument to Ilyich Communists and their supporters protested against the \"housing experiments\"

In Vladivostok, at the monument to Ilyich Communists and their supporters protested against the \"housing experiments\"

In Vladivostok, at the monument to Ilyich Communists and their supporters protested against the \"housing experiments\"

In Vladivostok, at the monument to Ilyich Communists and their supporters protested against the \"housing experiments\"

In Vladivostok, at the monument to Ilyich Communists and their supporters protested against the \"housing experiments\"

In Vladivostok, at the monument to Ilyich Communists and their supporters protested against the \"housing experiments\"

Опубликовано:   24-03-2013, 05:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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