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Offshore in the Far East - a chance for the region or nonsense

Offshore in the Far East - a chance for the region or nonsense

Famous Cypriot offshore companies do not seem to be any reliable even for the inveterate optimists. The head of the Russian government proposed to create "their offshore" - in the Far East. What may be the exit, undertook to present experts.


Minister plenipotentiary Ishayev: offshore in the Far East has to act according to strict rules


Prokhorov: the Far East do not want offshore, and a free economic zone with Japan


The Duma supported Medvedev create offshore Far East


Economists offshore in the Far East will inevitably turn into a nest of corruption


Ex-minister Kudrin called offshore in the Far East "devastating for the economy"

03/22/13 8:33

Medvedev proposed the creation of an offshore Far East

Опубликовано:   22-03-2013, 10:17      |      Категория:  eng news

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