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Defined points of issue of free medicines in Artem and Ussuriisk

Defined points of issue of free medicines in Artem and Ussuriisk

Identified first holiday items free medicines in Artem and Ussuriisk. From now on life saving drugs Ussuriisk residents can be found at: ul. Plekhanov, 61 and the residents of Artyom - in the pharmacy on the street. Kirov, 14.

As reported by the deputy director of the regional Department of Health Catherine Eliseev, next week a list of pharmacies dispensing subsidized medicines, replenished. In addition, the list of areas where they will serve the beneficiaries.

Recall that in Vladivostok get free life-saving drugs can contact:

- St. Nevel, 13

- Prospect 100 years, Vladivostok, 74

- Ocean Avenue, 13

- St. Nekrasov, 61

- St. Verkhneportovaya, 76

- St. Kosmodemyanskoy Zoe, 27

- St. Svetlanskaya, 114

- St. Russian, 59/3.

Questions about the pharmacy of a drug can be from 8:00 to 24:00 at telephone "hot lines": (423) 240-44-04 and 222-45-13.

Опубликовано:   22-03-2013, 07:14      |      Категория:  eng news

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