At the request of Minvostokrazvitiya "Fund of assistance to reforming housing and communal services" increased financial support of the Far East in 2013-2015.
"The Fund has increased funding for regional programs in DFO is almost five times as compared to the 2008-2012 period" - Said Deputy Minister of Development of the Far East Yuri Onoprienko. According to him, only to targeted programs for Housing Reform Fund in the district will be allocated 22 billion 587 million rubles, with co-financing from the regional budget will be more than 11 billion rubles.
"The priority in the regional programs will move people from emergency housing facilities. For these purposes, the Fund will send DFO regions in 19 billion 895 million rubles from the budgets of the 10 billion will be allocated 634 million rubles " , - Said Yuri Onoprienko.
Currently, the share of dilapidated housing district exceeds 10% of the total number in Russia.
A regional program will provide comfortable housing 34 thousand 713 people, or 11 thousand 571 families, build 578.7 thousand square meters. meters of housing, lower by 25.6% the number of emergency shelter in the Russian regions in the Far Eastern Federal District, recognized as such by 1 January 2012.
In addition, in the Far East will continue programs to overhaul apartment buildings. For these purposes, the Fund provided District 900 million, co-financing entities of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District will be about 371 million rubles. Plan to repair 45.6 thousand square meters. meters of housing.
A new trend in the regional programs will be targeted modernization of municipal infrastructure. The Fund is ready to finance regional programs to 792 million rubles, the subjects of the Russian Federation in the DFO plan for these purposes 329 million rubles.
According Minvostokrazvitiya Russia, during the period of regional targeted programs from 2008 to 2012 from all sources of funding for housing reform DFO was sent over 24.6 billion rubles, including the Fund amounted to 16 billion 927 million rubles, funds subjects - 7 billion 729 million.
Implementation of targeted programs for the overhaul of apartment buildings in the DFO allowed to partially repair the 5358 buildings with a total area of 15506 sq. m about 710 thousand people have improved living conditions.