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Radio Lemma together with listeners fed Himalayan bears in Primorye

Radio Lemma together with listeners fed Himalayan bears in Primorye Photo: Julia buttonhole of

In the village of Oak key under the Ussuri in the yard, the couple Leshchenko - of Ivan and Lyubov G. - live 10Himalayan bears. This shelter for the wild beasts, who are domestic, has been around for 20 years.

All of the "guests" home - foundlings anyway affected by poachers. When the shelter was just beginning, it contained a lot more animals, for their maintenance grant the money local budget. However, it soon ceased funding.

Over time, retirees had to be released inwild deer with offspring, wild boars, a few dozen birds. Animals for a long time back to the site of a house. But bears manumit not: for so many years, they have become almost tame, not afraid of people produce their own food themselves can not. At this point, all retirees earn goes to feed the bears.

Radio Lemma together with listeners fed Himalayan bears in Primorye

Radio Lemma together with listeners fed Himalayan bears in Primorye

Radio Lemma together with listeners fed Himalayan bears in Primorye

Radio Lemma together with listeners fed Himalayan bears in Primorye

Radio Lemma decided to help Leshchenko couple and their pets. The staff and listeners and colleagues from the ID "Business Case" for the week collected several thousand who went to buy food for bears. Correspondents "lemma" was taken to Oak key purchased gifts.

Radio Lemma together with listeners fed Himalayan bears in Primorye

Here is what Alexander Zaskaleto, the duty editor radio Lemma:

- Almost two weeks ago we read on one of the local sites that are studying on duty that our colleagues were in the nursery. At that time, the situation situation was that the bears do not have enough to eat. This Monday I spoke with Love Grigorievna, she told me that the problem is not that the food is not enough - not enough help.

We revised and decided to collect money as possible without fanfare to take food. But then we thought - that we collect it may, a thousand at most. Decided to take action in the Internet, began collecting money for Facebook, on Twitter, where you can. People began to mount.

- Readers of "Lemmy" quickly imbued with sympathy for the beasts?

- Of course, the biggest impact was on the first day. In a few hours we collected three thousand rubles. Often collected in the editorial part of students listed on the card. For four days we have collected about four thousand. Sami bought themselves driven products.

- Now proud of yourself?

- I want to emphasize that the action was not aimed at you, then to shout: "We came, we helped, we are fine". If you come after us, will help Leshchenko couple - that's the main thing, so it will be great. This is what we expect. We were told that our colleagues yesterday came from Vladivostok, brought a lot of provisions. Most importantly, for the next month at the nursery have products.

- What is your most impressions of bears, from the nursery?

- Even in the first phone conversation I heard from spouses, to the Bruins that they are treated like their children. When we've been there, they saw that it was true - the bears are sleek, beautiful. We agreed on the opinion that no such luxury bears at the zoo, let alone in the wild will not see. If they do something, and not enough, the only communication, and they have everything. They really are great. In the future, we plan to raise funds and bring Leshchenko or products, or money.

Contact information to help animals: +79020611871 +7 (42343) 092022.

Radio Lemma together with listeners fed Himalayan bears in Primorye

Radio Lemma together with listeners fed Himalayan bears in Primorye

Radio Lemma together with listeners fed Himalayan bears in Primorye

Опубликовано:   17-03-2013, 06:22      |      Категория:  eng news

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