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Knitted street art got to Vladivostok: the explosion of yarn and "wool" bicycle

Knitted street art got to Vladivostok: the explosion of yarn and \"wool\" bicycle Photo: Helen Buffalo

This popular trend of street art, like graffiti from yarn or yarnbombing (born - the "explosion of yarn"), and got to Vladivostok.

Despite the warm weather, trees and sculptures in a park near VSUES today wrapped with colorful scarves and capes. To these places got fans yarnbombing direction - "knitted street art."

" The creation of these ornaments took about six weeks, no one took the time to knit when knit. Five people were able to decorate and transform a small area , - Says organizer knitted street art Elena Ershova - knitting styles to pick and choose to whom, which is more like, no restrictions. we stop there do not want success. Our city has so many places that you can ennoble crocheted ornaments. So far, all the secrets will not be disclosed, but that the case it will continue on a larger scale, I can not say for sure, " .

One of the most interesting exhibits of the exhibition was a miniature knitted bike, fully "dressed" into yarn. The owner of the transport-fashioned tuning is not going to get rid of - it looks so original and bicycle saddles decorated with multi-colored yarn, which is more convenient. That's just ride it in the spring is not very practical.

Almost all of the exhibits will remain in the park, so that anyone could visit yourself in the first knitted square of Vladivostok. Themselves crocheted ornaments can be touched, used (to the best of own imagination) and of course, enjoy them.

The organizers hope that their work will not be destroyed and will remain in the park for a long time and will cause a smile on the faces of passers-by.

Help IA Primore24:

Yarnbombing - is a fairly young phenomenon, which flooded the streets of small towns in America and Europe due to Magda Sayegh . That is it in 2005 had the idea to make the shop hand-made more cozy. Surrounding so inspired by her example that has since gone to a course benches, fountains, windows, phone booths. Amateur street hand-made were tied with trees, fences, posts, stop, and even buses. One of the slogans of bombers is Make knit, not war - "Go in knitting, not war."

Knitted street art got to Vladivostok: the explosion of yarn and \"wool\" bicycle

Knitted street art got to Vladivostok: the explosion of yarn and \"wool\" bicycle

Knitted street art got to Vladivostok: the explosion of yarn and \"wool\" bicycle

Knitted street art got to Vladivostok: the explosion of yarn and \"wool\" bicycle

Knitted street art got to Vladivostok: the explosion of yarn and \"wool\" bicycle

Knitted street art got to Vladivostok: the explosion of yarn and \"wool\" bicycle

Knitted street art got to Vladivostok: the explosion of yarn and \"wool\" bicycle

Knitted street art got to Vladivostok: the explosion of yarn and \"wool\" bicycle

Knitted street art got to Vladivostok: the explosion of yarn and \"wool\" bicycle

Knitted street art got to Vladivostok: the explosion of yarn and \"wool\" bicycle

Knitted street art got to Vladivostok: the explosion of yarn and \"wool\" bicycle

Knitted street art got to Vladivostok: the explosion of yarn and \"wool\" bicycle

Knitted street art got to Vladivostok: the explosion of yarn and \"wool\" bicycle

Опубликовано:   15-03-2013, 10:21      |      Категория:  eng news

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