A resident of Vladivostok - artist Tatiana Zorkin - needs urgent cancer surgery in Germany, To which her family did not have enough money.
As told agency Primore24 sick daughter Natalia Zorkin, many years ago with her mother, doctors discovered meningioma (a benign tumor) of the brain. Surgeons immediately told that is not possible, since the tumor is in the cerebral cortex - is too great a risk to life.
After that, eight years ago, China was made radiosurgery surgery. However, these days, after all these years, the disease has returned.
Now Tatiana Zorkin doctors diagnosed cerebral edema - decongestant medications do not help. The only option - it is a traditional operation. In Russia, the surgeons still refuse to take up the case.
However, the doctor-professor of neurosurgery clinic "Charit'e" in Berlin is taken for treatment, claiming that the operation would take place with a minimum of risk to life, followed by complete recovery. Transaction price in the clinic - 26590 euros (for comparison - in South Korea from 42000 euros).
Today, thanks to announced fundraising The family Zorkin already almost half the required amount: 13166 euros.
"We appeal to all, we ask for help, We will be glad to any transfer of the funds, Help tips, share experiences. Help save the lives of our mothers!" - Said Dasha and Natasha Zorkin.
Savings Card:
Zorkin Natalia A. ACCOUNT NUMBER: 40817810550263103767BANK: EASTERN BANK OJSC "Sberbank RUSSIA" BIC: 040813608 VAT number: 770708389
Card number:
Euro Account:
Daria Zorkina
Konto-Nr.: 5409874792
BLZ: 50010517
IBAN: DE32500105175409874792
Pay-pal: dasha.zorkina @ gmail.com
yandex dengi: 4100194854126