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"Fashion Summit" Asia Pacific will be held in Vladivostok

\"Fashion Summit\" Asia Pacific will be held in Vladivostok

The unprecedented project Pacific Style Week - Fashion Week, Style, Beauty Industry Asia Pacific - will be held in Vladivostok in May and open in our city and region a new chapter of cultural life.

Project mission - to bring more fashion to Vladivostok, to make our city the capital of the beauty industry Asia-Pacific region.

The program of the project - fashion shows, workshops of famous fashion designers, hairdressers shows, beauty contests, presentations of new beauty-brands, advanced performances, autograph-party stars of the fashion business, vibrant shows and photo shoots. For the week from 13 to 20 May Vladivostok will be the center of fashion and beauty of the Asia-Pacific region.

The program project PACIFIC STYLE WEEK - four major events

The first event - Fashion Week Fashion Week .

The program - presentation of new collections of the acknowledged masters of the fashion industry ATP, fashion shows by fashion boutiques in Vladivostok, a competition for young designers "Pygmalion", master classes by leading experts in the field of fashion and style, work-shops for creative young, bright and show prominent figures in the field of fashion.

The second event - Contest "Supermodel Pacific."

Beautiful girl Asia Pacific will meet in Vladivostok, to compete for the crown and title of "Miss PACIFIC STYLE». The competition includes a competition of professional models in the Asia Pacific Model disciplines: fashion shows, photo shoots, creative competitions. Famous fashion models give master classes for beginners.

The third event - International competition "Master Style Pacific."

This spectacular show-contest of hairdressers, stylists, makeup artists Asia Pacific. The program - creative image makers laboratories, advanced performances, incredible experiments in style, makeup, hairdressing. The contest will be held in two days, it will be a great tournament with a prize pool of creative assignments world class spectacular show program.

The fourth event - Contest of photographers «PACIFIC VIEW» .

The program - workshops stars photos, competition of professional photographers, photo sessions for professional models and all comers, the most ambitious exhibition of photography in the region recognized masters of the APR.

Such a large and representative event in the fashion and beauty industry will be the first in the history of our city and region. It creates a synergistic efforts of the regional administration, the City of Vladivostok, VSUES and a number of large companies. To participate in the PACIFIC STYLE WEEK has invited eminent fashion designers and stylists in Russia, Europe and Asia. Due to the holiday representative, upcoming shows, according to organizers, will be interesting to a wide public.

More on celebrity guests project PACIFIC STYLE WEEK organizers promise to tell next week. While all those interested in the details PACIFIC STYLE WEEK, invited to site of the project .

Опубликовано:   3-03-2013, 08:39      |      Категория:  eng news

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