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To Vladivostok under construction "Mistrals" can not reach

To Vladivostok under construction \"Mistrals\" can not reach

Helicopter type "Mistral" can be used as a command ship for the created on behalf of Sergei Shoigu task force of the Navy of Russia in the Mediterranean Sea, a senior representative of the General Staff.

"Theoretically, one can consider such vehicles as staff for the task force. However, there is not the ships themselves, in addition, the infrastructure necessary for their deployment in the south " , - Said the representative of the General Staff.

Task force of ships and vessels of the Naval Fleet in the Mediterranean Sea may have up to 10 units, it must obey the commander of the Black Sea Fleet.

At the same time, another source familiar with the situation said that this control can be created and attached to the General Staff of the Navy, in coordination with the General Staff.

"These issues are under consideration. Such control would deal with issues like the use of ships in the area of responsibility, and their collateral " - Said the official.

He also noted that such a combination could consist of 6-10 ships. According to him, such a group would be in the sea all the time, but the ships of different navies could be rotated on a rotating basis.

Recall, the contract for the construction of two "Mistral" in France, Moscow and Paris signed in June last year. The contract amount of 1.2 billion euros. Two more helicopter Russia planned to build their own, using French technology. However, it seems that this idea will not have an increase.

"Mistrals", built by the French, would carry the name "Beijing" and "Sevastopol". Initially it was said that the two "Mistral" will be transferred to the Pacific Fleet, and will be based in Vladivostok, for which the main base of the Pacific Fleet refurbished quay walls. Ships, if necessary, to be used for rapid troop movements in various parts of the coast of the Far East, for example, in the Kuril Islands. This idea often expressed a former defense minister, Anatoly Serdyukov. But now the "Mistral", it seems, looking for a new "home".

Опубликовано:   2-03-2013, 11:03      |      Категория:  eng news

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