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In the duty of the Police Department received a report of Artem

In the duty of the Police Department received a report of Artem In the duty of the Police Department received a report of Artem resident of the city. The woman said that in the next apartment, located in a house on Kirov Street, home to a family with three young children. Parents of minors are not engaged in education, from the apartment ever heard the noise and shouting. Police officers arrived at the address. The door opened landlady. The woman was in a state of intoxication. The house were running small children: 3-year-old boy and twin brothers at the age of two years. The room was bad, things were lying scattered on a table piled the dirty dishes. Inspector juvenile has not found a home sleeping baby supplies. Despite the approach of autumn cold, and there was no warm clothes for the children. In the course of the material revealed that parents kids regularly consume alcohol. Educating children are not engaged. The police have made in respect of mothers and fathers of minors administrative record for the improper performance of parental duties and put adults on the register. As the press-secretary of the city OMVD Russian Artem Oksana Daryavina, the material sent to juvenile committee for taking corrective measures.

RIA "Vladnews"

Опубликовано:   22-09-2013, 19:59      |      Категория:  eng news

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