The People's Court of Jinan City middle stage today sentenced the disgraced Chinese politician, former Party Secretary of Chongqing Bo Xilai to life imprisonment. The court found Bo Xilai guilty to all charges and denied the defense motion. Presented at the trial evidence was recognized as legitimate, objective and confirming the guilt of Bo Xilai's abuse of power and accepting bribes in the amount of 2679 million yuan, or 437 million dollars. According to ITAR-TASS , At sentencing in the courtroom was attended by over 100 people, among them - more than 20 journalists.
June 12 in Vladivostok police asked a local resident. The woman said that at an agricultural fair in the central square of the city she stole a purse with money and credit card. Fans of easy money...
In Primorye, July 11 in order to prevent accidents involving pedestrians, as well as the formation of the driver's discipline was conducted raid event. As part of the raid DPS inspectors conducted...
As the senior assistant to the head of the SU TFR of the Primorsky Aurora Rome, the head of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Primorsky...
Speed network Japanese American counterparts twice lower the price - twice. Tokyo residents can get a download speed of up to 1 Gbit /s for just $ 51 a month......
One of those who first supported the initiative of the city authorities about the installation of the monument, was Mikhail Veselov, Vladivostok Duma deputy, chairman of the Committee on Local...
Entered into force resolution Frunze district court of Vladivostok against the company «Jae Su Corporation Trast Company Complex» - shipowner RSH "Repun" under the flag of Cambodia. The ship - the...
Today, July 17 exit meeting held in the building of an "administrative building of the Trade House" Kunst and Albers, "which may open a branch of the Hermitage. Note the object of cultural heritage...
В целях повышения доступности граждан к информации о наличии (отсутствии) у них задолженности по исполнительным производствам, Федеральной службой судебных приставов разработано официальное...
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