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This innovation is unique to the Maritime Provinces. According

This innovation is unique to the Maritime Provinces. According This innovation is unique to the Maritime Provinces. According to experts, the use of wind power efficiently in areas where average annual wind speed of 5 meters per second, and the average annual wind speed of. Reynard exceed six meters per second. This means that the power plant herein will work most of the time, the force of wind, and not due to fuel that will tangible and financial savings city budget. Earlier in the homes of the inhabitants of the islands electricity was only in the morning and in the evening at a certain time. Energy complex, set on about. Reineke, fully self-contained. It runs on a generator of diesel fuel and energy flow of air masses. The system is set so that if there is enough wind power to generate electricity, the activated diesel. When the load on the generator decreases, the priority becomes again the use of air flow. This innovation is unique to the Maritime Provinces. According This innovation is unique to the Maritime Provinces. According This innovation is unique to the Maritime Provinces. According This innovation is unique to the Maritime Provinces. According This innovation is unique to the Maritime Provinces. According

Опубликовано:   18-09-2013, 16:37      |      Категория:  eng news

On Monday in Vladivostok nachinutsya hydraulic tests of thermal networks
11-05-2013, 18:30, eng news
Unified control service of the Vladivostok Administration informs the population of the city to start from Monday, May 13 hydrostatic testing of main and distributing (district) heating systems....
Мужчину признали виновным в совершении преступления,
2-07-2013, 16:16, eng news
Мужчину признали виновным в совершении преступления, предусмотренного п. «б» ч. 4 ст. 132 УК РФ (насильственные действия сексуального характера). Следствием и судом установлено, что в июле 2012 года...
The match between
3-08-2013, 15:01, eng news
On Friday, August 2 Vladivostok ended the match of the sixth round of the championship of Russia in the National Football League. "Ray-Energy" took in his field "Neftekhimik" from Nizhnekamsk. The...
Donations transferred to flood victims
12-09-2013, 23:52, eng news
Donations transferred to flood victims inhabitants of the Far East, through the services of the Savings Bank, has exceeded 4000000 rubles. After the introduction of emergency in the region, the Far...
Unauthorized crane work in the area of power transmission lines led to the tragedy
7-05-2013, 14:30, eng news
In Vladivostok, failure to comply with the security of the loading operations in the buffer zone power lines caused the accident. A man has suffered because of a violation of safety rules morning of...
Police checked 383 drivers of motorcycles
16-07-2013, 22:15, eng news
Police checked 383 drivers of motorcycles and mopeds. Administrative proceedings for violation of traffic rules brought 224 motorcyclists. According to statistics, in the first half of 2013 on the...
Message from residents of the street Skipper Gek Vladivostok taken to the deputy's control
3-06-2013, 16:41, eng news
On behalf of the Chairman of the Duma of Vladivostok Helena Novitskoj adviser to the chairman Sergey Toporkov held a reception of citizens on personal matters. Message from Vladivostok residents...
Igor Shuvalov visited a kindergarten in Vladivostok
29-06-2013, 16:16, eng news
Today in Vladivostok, Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov visited the kindergarten number 26 "Lion." Along with him a group, music and sports halls visited Vladimir Miklushevsky and Igor Pushkarev....
The Arbitration Court of Primorye a claim
16-07-2013, 22:15, eng news
The Arbitration Court of Primorye with a claim for the recovery of a "Naval construction management of Pacific Fleet" debt subcontracts asked "Transport and Construction Company." As RIA «VladNews»...
The mayor of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev officially took office on
12-09-2013, 23:41, eng news
Today the campus of Palo on the island of Russian in Vladivostok won the elections on September 8 Igor Pushkarev officially took office. Igor Pushkarev took office at the inauguration were about 500...

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