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At 25000 tons of increased catches of coastal fishermen

For 8 months of this year, the total catch of fishing enterprises amounted to 574 thousand tons.

At 25000 tons of increased catches of coastal fishermen

Fishermen Primorye increase the volume of production

According to the Department of Fisheries and aquatic resources of Primorsky Krai pollock disbursed 82 per cent quota is 419000 tons of fish. The main part of Pollock produced in the Sea of Okhotsk.

Second in terms of production is herring. Currently catch was 97000 tons, 38 percent utilized quotas. This is almost 2 times more than last year - said VestiRegion.ru press service of the Governor of the Primorsky Territory.

Along with the increase in Primorye rybodobychi embarked on the development of fish processing. At the initiative of the Governor of the Territory Vladimir Miklushevsky create a project in the south of Primorye Fish tech cluster, which will become the flagship of the industry. The project was presented at the VIII International Congress of fishermen and received a positive evaluation experts.

At 25000 tons of increased catches of coastal fishermen

Опубликовано:   18-09-2013, 11:07      |      Категория:  eng news

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