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Third Business Development Center in Vladivostok number 8635/0300

Third Business Development Center in Vladivostok number 8635/0300 Third Business Development Center in Vladivostok number 8635/0300 "Nekrasov" Sberbank has opened at Ocean Ave those 110a. The innovative format of small business service implies not merely the provision of financial services, but also a comprehensive business support bank customers, including education and advice to the bank's partners. Guests of honor at the opening ceremony were Vice-President of OAO "Sberbank of Russia" for the development of small businesses Sergei Borisov, ChairmanFar Eastern Bank OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" Eugene Titov and the first vice-governor of Primorsky Krai Alexander Kostenko. - This Business Development Center is a 168-m in the country, and in two and a half years of such centers in Russia will be 450 - said Sergey Borisov, Vice-President of JSC "Sberbank of Russia" for the development of small business, the chairman of Board of Trustees of the All-Russian Public Organization Support Russia and the Deputy Chairman of the Government Commission of the Russian Federation on issues of competition and the development of small and medium-sized businesses. - Here you can get not only traditional banking services, but the best business solutions, and in electronic form, too. It is a good platform for cooperation with partners, which ensures the reliability of the bank. Seaside business shows excellent result-oriented, it develops in any economic climate, and I wish everyone who works here, good reliable customers, and entrepreneurs - to successfully develop and move forward together with Sberbank. - Today it is very fashionable to talk about supporting small businesses, but Sberbank opens up such institutions, not for fashion, but to really make the relationship between the bank and the customer truly cooperative, equitable and mutually beneficial - said Evgeny Titov, chairman of Far Eastern Bank OJSC "Sberbank of Russia". - In these centers, we create the conditions for our clients that achieve the full range of expertise to conduct business. - I want to be entrepreneurs here was easy and comfortable, - said Alexander Kostenko, the first vice-governor of Primorsky Krai. - The power feels the need for such institutions for the development of business, and we wish you all good luck in this endeavor! As noted in the Savings Bank, the maximum positive impact on the performance of the Centres of business development is achieved in the case of synergy with the educational portal on "Business Environment", which is used today by more than 2 million Russian entrepreneurs. The event took place the presentation of the portal for coastal businesses. We remind you that the portal is a kind of social network for entrepreneurs, it allows you to find reliable business partners and continuously improve their professional knowledge and optimize business processes through simple, easy-business applications. Third Business Development Center in Vladivostok number 8635/0300 Third Business Development Center in Vladivostok number 8635/0300 Third Business Development Center in Vladivostok number 8635/0300 Third Business Development Center in Vladivostok number 8635/0300 Third Business Development Center in Vladivostok number 8635/0300 Third Business Development Center in Vladivostok number 8635/0300 Third Business Development Center in Vladivostok number 8635/0300 Third Business Development Center in Vladivostok number 8635/0300 Third Business Development Center in Vladivostok number 8635/0300 Third Business Development Center in Vladivostok number 8635/0300 Third Business Development Center in Vladivostok number 8635/0300

Опубликовано:   17-09-2013, 21:44      |      Категория:  eng news

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