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The suspect - a resident of the Primorsky Territory, officially

The suspect - a resident of the Primorsky Territory, officially The suspect - a resident of the Primorsky Territory, officially engaged in entrepreneurial activities for the sale of furniture in the city of Nakhodka. Police officers found numerous instances of fraudulent businessman who by deceit and abuse of trust stole funds from clients. The suspect was taking orders from individuals and concluded agreements with them to supply upholstered furniture, thus took on the obligation to perform the work within 60 days. An unscrupulous businessman, promising favorable discounts, mislead people and offered to give him an advance payment, often constitute a hundred percent rate. Customers who have waited the prescribed time, the furniture did not. The suspect came up with a variety of situations that prevent it from fulfilling the order, a time to refrain from intercourse, and then disappeared. Most of the defrauded clients drew a bank loan to pay off a 32-year-old entrepreneur, who lives in the area Shkotovsky Primorsky Krai. Police tracked down more than 40 injured people, who have suffered considerable material damage. Amount of legalized suspect funds more than 15 million rubles. A criminal case under article 159 of the Criminal Code "Fraud".

Опубликовано:   17-09-2013, 16:50      |      Категория:  eng news

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