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Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations psychologists continue to work with the residents of

Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations psychologists continue to work with the residents of Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations psychologists continue to work with the residents of flooded villages. During a raid September 162013 in the village of them. Periodic Komsomolsk-on-Amur eight interviews were conducted with the help of psychologists to draw people. Two of them have decided to evacuate to temporary accommodation centers (TACs). Raids on the flooded settlements and chat with refused to evacuate nationals are only part of the work being done by four Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations of the psychologist in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Even before the dam in the village of them. Mendeleev was conducted podvorovy round, during which the inhabitants of the village was brought up about a difficult situation and offered to leave their homes for a time with a stay at the TAC. Currently actively working with living in TACs and individual applications are processed. Basically, turning residents of flooded homes. Among the most pressing issues, the villagers them. Mendeleev's unwillingness to meet employers and to provide time off for the duration of the disaster. Also, experts collect citizens' proposals to improve the livelihoods of people left in the area of flooding. Quite often, the villagers offered to change the composition of dry rations that are regularly delivered to the waterlogging of the house. The data obtained are analyzed and transferred to the local administration. In addition, psychologists and emergency departments work in the future. During these raids, and duty in the TAC, experts train local psychologists actions in emergency situations. Thanks to the knowledge, if necessary, YCL psychologists will be able to organize the psychological support of the emergency response. "At the moment we are working in those TACs that are open in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Psychologists Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and our colleagues in the Khabarovsk region in the clock duty is carried out there. We help people to overcome this tragedy, because they lose their homes, lose their property. We pay special attention to children. Their reaction is highly dependent on the reaction of the parents. If an adult overly anxious, panicked, then the child, most often, is going through the same thing. Here I want to point out that many komsomolchane realize that this is an uncontrollable element and bravely going through this situation. I can say that the majority here, in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, realize that they can cope with this disaster, "- said in March Sozinova, psychologist Department of Emergency Response Center for Emergency Psychological Aid Emergency Situations of Russia (Moscow).

Press Service of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations

Опубликовано:   17-09-2013, 15:39      |      Категория:  eng news

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