Vladivostok International Airport OJSC ("MAV") reports that since September 132013 domestic passengers are check in for 6 hours before departure. The exception is the airline "Vladivostok Avia", check-in, flight is running 3 hours before departure.
God be with her, with промокашкой - she really is gone. But I'm sure a lot more people today prefer reading paper books, rather than electronic, traditional Newspapers, not their version of the...
In April of this year in UFSKN Russia for the Primorye Territory completed the investigation of a criminal case against a resident of Vladivostok. She is accused of shipment, preparation for sales...
On-site road signs have been installed, while covered with a protective film. Running the above motion will be carried out from 0000 am on 23 May 2013. (MAP)......
At a meeting of the regional administration in the governor Vladimir Miklushevsky raised the issue of modernizing the system of vocational education in Primorye. Socio-educational centers will be in...
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