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FMS in the Maritime region is struggling with intermediaries

Today, for the first time in the department of labor migration of the Federal Migration Service of the Primorsky Territory police conducted a special operation to detain citizens who earn their services by foreigners.

FMS in the Maritime region is struggling with intermediaries

FMS is struggling with intermediaries

All the detainees brought to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky for further proceedings. The need for such an operation originated long ago and not once discussed at the coordination meetings with the participation of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Primorye Territory with the security agencies, the Prosecutor's Office and Primorye regional administration.

Addressed to Head regularly received requests from foreigners to assist in the resolution of problems associated with citizens and organizations providing mediation services. At a September 6 interdepartmental meeting raised the issue of creating the Primorsky Territory Common Migration Center.

In recent years, more and more brokers provide services to foreigners, helping to buy fake documents, including permission to work in Russia. This creates a negative impression of the Federal Migration Service.
Arriving in Russia, a foreigner speaks to his compatriots, who allegedly helped him, and in fact provided with false documents. Most foreigner has no idea what works in Russia illegally.

As a consequence, the deteriorating crime situation, in addition there is a danger of the spread of dangerous diseases - said the press service of the VestiRegion.ru FMS of Russia for the Primorye Territory. Under the current law in Russia, for forgery can lose by up to two years.

FMS in the Maritime region is struggling with intermediaries

Опубликовано:   12-09-2013, 23:41      |      Категория:  eng news

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