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In January 2013 the District Court in The Nadezhda was

In January 2013 the District Court in The Nadezhda was In January 2013 in the Nadezhda District Court lawsuit was filed three applications for recognition of the actions of the municipal administration of the Nadezhda district on the formation of the land and the transfer of the ownership and rent led peasant farming K. illegal. The applicant also claimed to recognize the lease agreements and purchase and sale void and return the land to the municipality. For these cases the court decision handed down by the satisfaction of the claim prosecutor in full. In July, the Nadezhda district prosecutor's office sent to law enforcement agencies materials obschenadzornoy check. The materials appeared, that the head of the district administration illegally allocated to lease the property and led peasant farming K. three plots of agricultural land with total area of 446136 square meters Already on September 9 investigators Investigative Committee of the Primorsky against the former chief of staff of the Nadezhda district instituted criminal proceedings on the grounds of an offense under Part 2 of Art. 285 of the Criminal Code (abuse of power). As the press service of the Prosecutor's Office of Primorsky Krai, the progress and results of the investigation of criminal cases are under control at the district prosecutor's office.

Опубликовано:   12-09-2013, 08:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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