The guys who came to rest in the flood-affected regions of the Far East, Primorye will rest in longer than planned. This order gave the governor Vladimir Miklushevsky. According to the department of education and science, with a request to extend the change turned the head of the affected regions. Thus, 886 children from the Amur region will stay in Primorye until October 10 - almost three weeks longer than originally planned. The guys from the Khabarovsk Territory, tourists in the camp "Druzhba" Dalnegorsk, will stay in the Maritime region as long as their home region will not be lifted emergency mode. A week longer than planned rest and 147 children from the Jewish Autonomous Region. They will go home on September 25 instead of 17. Recall, Primorsky Krai has to rest more than two thousand children from regions affected by the floods. More than a thousand children came at the invitation of Vladimir Miklushevsky, the others - the federal program. For the guys organized study, as well as large-scale entertainment.
Means of the Moscow Patriarchate, to help victims of flooding in the Far East, sent an additional 10 million rubles. All church funds meant for flood victims in the territory of the Annunciation,...
The final competition will be held on June 11. Ilgizar SAFIULLIN take part in them in the national team of Russia. Recall Governor of the Primorsky Territory Vladimir Miklushevsky personally visited...
Заявитель рассказал, что в своей квартире на проспекте Блюхера обнаружил тела двоих мужчин с признаками насильственной смерти. Со слов заявителя, одним из погибших является его знакомый, который...
April 2 and 3 in the Closed Big Stone perfected practical measures to protect the population and territory of the accident on the radiation-hazardous facilities. as told in the press...
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