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International Day of Beauty is celebrated today, September 9.

International Day of Beauty is celebrated today, September 9. International Day of Beauty is celebrated today, September 9. Participation in the events dedicated to this holiday, and will take maternity hospital number 3 Vladivostok. Celebration will be held at the antenatal clinic KGBUZ "Vladivostok clinical maternity hospital № 3" (street Kalinina, 55). Home - at 15:00. All are invited. As stressed by the head physician KGBUZ "Vladivostok clinical maternity hospital № 3" Svetlana Sahaidachnoho Beauty Day for several years among the festive calendar of dates that are celebrated in the institution. Such attention organizers explained by the desire not only to diversify the leisure of their patients and visitors, and once again remind everyone about the true values - a real, natural attractiveness, which donated a woman expecting a baby. "Mom, her eyes and smile - is the embodiment of all that is beautiful, that is on earth, it is a symbol of femininity and the standard of beauty, - says Svetlana. - That's what we want to talk to your event, and with it - congratulations to the most beautiful women, pregnant women who are at the heart of the baby. " In addition to gifts and small gift, present dialogue with the experts expect a "third" hospital on health and beauty, as well as the influence of the mode of the day, food and lifestyle in general, the shape of the woman awaiting the birth. As a cultural and entertainment part of the program will be offered to guests catwalk pregnant and even body art. Bodypainting is being organized for the first time in the institution and will be truly unique and memorable gift from the designer Vasilina Mazur.

IA Primorye 24

Опубликовано:   9-09-2013, 13:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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