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In the evening, after 22 hours, the mayor of Vladivostok

In the evening, after 22 hours, the mayor of Vladivostok In the evening, after 22 hours, the mayor of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev held a briefing for the media. Noting that took place as the head of the election procedure, Igor Pushkarev said that this time the elections were held peacefully, calmly, without any scandals. Even after the polls were closed, Igor Pushkarev thanked all the citizens who came to the polls and voted. Head of the city, as well as head of the city election commission, said no serious complaints about the electoral process was not. Now we just wait for the outcome of that city election committee will announce in the morning

Alexander Ognevsky, RIA "VladNews", photo by the author

Опубликовано:   9-09-2013, 00:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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