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Noise installation, made from drawings

Noise installation, made from drawings Noise installation, made from drawings era avant-garde and new facilities are designed specifically for the team Vladivostok Music composer Peter Aydu lab, turn the younger exhibition space in the laboratory of the Center Zarya 'noise theater. " In an interactive exhibition space everyone can self-replicate the sound of avant-garde experiments and come up with new noise symphony, retrieving artifacts from the sounds of storms, rain, thunder, horse-drawn carriages, machine-gun fire, singing crickets, grasshoppers chirping, attic creaks, fluttering sails and other natural, battle and industrial noise. In European culture, music and noise is traditionally opposed to each other, both the order and euphony in opposition to chaos and disharmony. Only in the twentieth century, when the man's everyday life was filled with a huge variety of new and surprisingly powerful in strength, volume, and expressive noises, they first gained the right to autonomous artistic value. From the Futurists, Satie and Cage, to industrial, techno and modern forms of sound art history stretches noise like the sound of the new language. Russian artists, filmmakers and musicians were in the forefront of this process (Abraham, Kamensky, Eisenstein, Vertov, and others). Among them were little known, even experienced researchers, inventors noise machines. Considering the noise as an important element of drama performances, A. Petrov, V. Popov, Volinets and other designers, and often theatrical actors in its basic incarnation, created the whole noise bands that can realistically convey a variety of sound effects. With the advent of cinema and theater and the recorded sound of these experiments stopped. Today, thanks to the participants of the Music Lab, a rich palette of acoustic noise can be studied in a direct interaction with the reconstruction of sound machines early to mid XX century. Installation created by the project, are called to live as instruments of active interaction with the audience, the audience, responding to different types and combinations of sound. Demonstration of noise devices in the exhibition space opens up their unexpected artistic potential - in the exhibition, each machine gets quality contemporary sound sculpture, and topographic location of the object creates an environment noise laboratory. Thus, the intrinsic clearance for the last century theater /cinema scene turns into a new context dramaturgy of sound in space. RECONSTRUCTION OF NOISE exhibition presents a total sound installation in the space where each guest has the opportunity to become the creator of your own sound environment, accompanied by natural elements found in the industrial landscape, and hear the creaking of the peace front door gunshots and clanking tanks.

Опубликовано:   8-09-2013, 00:23      |      Категория:  eng news

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