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At the presentation can be seen the first "sketch"

At the presentation can be seen the first "sketch" At the presentation can be seen the first "draft" of the future cultural center, which promised to build in 2015. The main activities of the center will be DNA-modern art, street-art and science-art. The architectural concept of the center have developed and presented a bureau «SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov," his photographs submitted photographer Gleb Teleshov. But perhaps the most memorable project presented at the presentation was the installation of "Time and Place" group CNMRG, allowing the audience to dive into the world of audio-visual space. Simply put - anyone got up under the camera and started to move, could hear the chaotic movements are converted into light music. Impetus for the creation of the project was the problem of the development of contemporary art in the region. Or rather, the lack of a large-scale platform on which it could embody and develop, providing the "right to vote" creatively minded, interested in culture, young people Vladivostok. If you take into account a city with a population of an average 100-500 thousand people, we can see that his "cultural maximum" - a regional museum, provincial circus and, at best, a park. It was in this case, and there is the need for a cultural center, capable of creating space for exhibitions, performances, installations, and all this combined with the advanced technology. DNA in Vladivostok has become the epicenter of concentration and creative potential, as well as a platform for communication between Russia and Asia. "When we were discussing this project the first time, it was said that it is necessary to do it on the campus of Palo, where a lot of active, creative young people, in addition, there are all the conditions for that. Good luck with this project, in a good way" - spoke Vladimir Miklushevsky. Construction of an innovative cultural center of Vladivostok is planned in the Bay Area Peninsula Beam Sapper.

Natalia Tyutin, IA Primorye 24

Опубликовано:   7-09-2013, 12:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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