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Soon, the President of the Russian should be directed

Soon, the President of the Russian should be directed Soon, the President of the Russian should be directed candidacy for the presidency Minvostorazvitiya Russia. According to the newspaper "Izvestia", among the contenders - Sergey Darkin, who served as Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Simon Levy, the deputy head of the Ministry of Natural Resources, and Oleg Kozhemyako, the Governor of the Amur Region. - Availability of Sergei Darkin as one of the candidates shows that he has not lost interest in the Primorye Territory and seeking to recover influence in the region - said political analyst Viktor Boatmen. - Nevertheless, the chances Darkin lead Minvostokrazvitiya not as high as that of his opponents - Oleg Kozhemyako acting governor of the Amur region and the seeds Levy, deputy head of the Ministry of Natural Resources - Office, headed by Yuri Trutnev, the current President's Plenipotentiary in Far Eastern Federal District. Now Darkin is, as they say in the party nomenclature. From these positions, he has a chance - how to take certain positions and fly out. According to political analyst Sergei Grebenyk, relieving the former head of the Primorsky Territory discounted unfair. - Sergey Darkin managed to successfully integrate into the modern political environment, which is a rarity for the ex-governors, - he said. - This is evidenced by his appointment to the post of deputy minister of regional development. The chances of it are large enough, given that he is already familiar with local issues and has a wealth of experience. Political clans, who are trying to play the card Darkin, see it as not just a statistician, and a worthy candidate. Recall that during his working visit to Vladivostok, President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the resignation of Viktor Ishayev from office and presidential representative in the Far Eastern Federal District Chapter Minvostokrazvitiya. The head of state appointed a new ambassador Yuri Trutnev, who served as assistant to the president.

Sergei Petrachkov, the newspaper "Vladivostok"

Опубликовано:   4-09-2013, 23:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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